About Our Practice in St Albans, VT

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A Team Dedicated to Excellence

At Northern Valley Eye Care, Inc., we’re committed to helping your family make the most of their vision, wherever life takes them.

Through our dedication to service, thorough eye care practices, and modern technology, we can help you and your loved ones understand the importance of sight and how to keep it healthy and clear.

From comprehensive eye exams to eye disease management and beyond, your vision is always our focus. Request your next appointment with the team at Northern Valley Eye Care, Inc. today and see the difference our team can make.

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Our Mission

At Northern Valley Eye Care, Inc., our mission is to provide eye and vision care that combines high standards, modern technology, and personalized attention to improve the quality of life and endear the loyalty of our patients.

We’re proud to offer comprehensive eye care services and eyewear for the whole family. Our staff looks forward to helping you with all of your eye health needs. We will take the time to answer all of your questions and help you understand all your options.

Meet Our Doctors


Dr. Steven St. Marie


Interested in joining our team? Please contact us at 802-524-9561 for more information. We’re currently hiring for the following positions:

  • Optometrist

Visit Our Location

Find us on Fisher Pond Rd, just North of the Vermont DMV.

Our Address

  • 128 Fisher Pond Rd
  • St. Albans, VT 05478

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 7:45 AM 4:30 PM
  • Tuesday: 7:45 AM 4:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM 4:30 PM
  • Thursday: 7:45 AM 4:30 PM
  • Friday: 7:45 AM 12:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
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